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Tag:  imgreview

Adding react-snap to my app

17 October, 2020
I started to experiment with react-snap - a nice tool for creating pre rendered html of your SPA. The reason is fairly simple - I want to increase visibility of ImgReview by search engines. The installation is very easy. Basically you need to install the package npm install react-snap, and then just change your app render point to: In my case though there was a problem. Pre render failed with this weird error message: Which wasn’t informative for me, since I had no idea what exactly is causing…

How to use Konva with Rough.js

12 October, 2020
For my ImgReview app I wanted to use custom shapes with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance. They look nice and could add unique touch to your work: This hand-drawn, sketchy look can be generated with the help of a small library called rough.js. It doesn’t have additional dependencies and can be used as-is. I’m already using Konva as my main graphic library, which makes my life easier by simplifying work with canvas. So in order to start using rough.js I need somehow to make these two libraries…

ImgReview announce

09 October, 2020
I started this project some time ago, just to test an idea and now I want to share it with everyone :) It all started with my frustration of not being able to mark areas on the images. Usually I need it in order to better illustrate my point. The idea is simple - mark areas on screenshots, or images to better illustrate your point. When I’m sending an email or adding an image to a jira ticket, I usually want to add a marker, like an arrow or circle, in order to emphasize the exact issue. It’s…