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Tag:  product management

Rewrite or not your app

25 May, 2019
“Rewriting almost always feels a lot more appealing then gradual refactoring, but remember, that you’re comparing reality to a fictitious concept.” Always rewrite EVERYTHING! Sometimes I have a feeling that there is a tradition, in the developers’ community, that whenever you arrive at a new workplace, one of the first things you’ll do is to say that all this old code should be rewritten. This is rarely the case, but traditional ways are hard to stop or be replaced by something else, right?

Become a Product Manager [udemy]

16 March, 2019
It would be a long journey. Really, there were 17 sections, each one included from 3 to 26 videos. Each video was from 3, up to 16 minutes. This all added up to a very long course. On the other hand, what did you expect? To learn the profession in one sitting? Sadly it’s not the case. Of course, even after that course, you wouldn’t, by any means, be a good product manager. What you would lack would be real-world experience, but at least you would have a good start if you were dedicated and…

Digital Product Management - Modern Fundamentals [coursera]

28 February, 2019
Well, I decided to learn more about being a product manager. It’s always fun to complain where there is no PM in the workplace, but I wanted to see what was really missing, and why a PM was needed. So I decided to learn this top`ic by myself, I had some free time to spare, so why not? Let’s start with Coursera. It has university-based content. I honestly felt like I was going back in time and sitting in one of the lectures in my college, in the middle of the desert (yeah, a story for another…